Project Restore: Kickoff Event for the Monitoring and Evaluation Exercise

BENIN CITY, EDO STATE. On September 30th, we marked the kickoff of our much-anticipated Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) exercise, post-year one of ‘Project Restore,’ by gathering a diverse group of stakeholders and beneficiaries dedicated to enhancing our program’s effectiveness.

The day began with an inspiring keynote speech from our lead evaluator who emphasized the critical role of M&E in driving informed decision-making and fostering accountability. Beneficiaries and stakeholders were reminded that effective M&E helps measure success and allows us to learn from our experiences, adapt, and innovate.

Following the keynote, the Project Managers discussed ‘Project Restore’s’ implementation and expressed gratitude to the funders. They also explained to the beneficiaries that the external lead evaluator’s monitoring and evaluation serves as a follow-up to PJI’s internal M&E, which has been ongoing throughout the lifetime of the Project. To ensure all ‘Project Restore’ services were being utilized effectively, beneficiaries were encouraged to fully participate with the lead evaluator.

Beneficiaries participated in a dynamic breakout session with the lead evaluator to learn about our plans for implementing M&E frameworks tailored to the Project’s specific objectives. These collaborative discussions highlighted the importance of their involvement and the need for transparent communication throughout the process. In addition, they completed the survey questions provided during the event.

One of the highlights of the event was the beneficiaries’ testimonials about the impact of the Project on their lives, which had almost everyone in tears. The speakers talked about the shift from hopelessness to being empowered with skills and tools to navigate an empowered life and alternative economic pathway.

As the event came to an end, beneficiaries were commended for their commitment throughout the first year and stakeholders provided advice and encouragement to them. Lunch and transportation stipends were provided to them.

‘Project Restore’ is funded by a grant from the United States Department of State, to which we are grateful. The opinions, findings, and conclusions presented are Pathfinders Justice Initiative’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Department of State. To support our work, please email