Pathfinders Conducts Life Skills Training for 90 ‘Project Restore’ (Year 2) Beneficiaries

BENIN CITY, EDO STATE. On December 20th, 2024, we organized a life skills training focused on budgeting and saving for 90 beneficiaries of our U.S. State Department funded ‘Project Restore.’ The training aimed to equip participants with practical tools and knowledge to take control of their finances, both in their personal lives and in their small businesses.

With expert guidance from the trainer, participants explored strategies for tracking income and expenses, setting aside emergency funds, and understanding the import of saving for the future. These are skills that not only improve financial security but also empower women to make informed decisions that benefit their businesses and families.

As many of the beneficiaries are aspiring small business owners, the skills they learned in the session will directly impact their entrepreneurial ventures. For many, managing personal finances can feel overwhelming, but through this training, they gained confidence in their ability to budget effectively and save for important goals, such as education and healthcare. The women left the training with a clearer understanding of how to balance their day-to-day expenses while also planning for the future.

We are excited about the positive changes that this training has sparked and are committed to offering more opportunities like this in the future, as financial literacy is a powerful tool to build a brighter, more equitable future for all.

‘Project Restore’ is funded by a grant from the United States Department of State, to which we are grateful. The opinions, findings, and conclusions presented are Pathfinders Justice Initiative’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Department of State.

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