Empowering Parents, Protecting Children: Project RISE (3) Conducts ‘Access’ Training for Beneficiaries

BENIN CITY, EDO STATE. On July 16th, 2023, Project RISE (3) successfully organized a Pathfinders ‘Access’ Training for project beneficiaries on parenting, benefiting 20 individuals, including 10 from ‘OUR’ and 10 others who are at-risk to trafficking. This training aimed to provide holistic parental care support, addressing the unique challenges faced by trafficking survivors.

The session concluded with a question-and-answer segment, offering beneficiaries the opportunity to clarify concerns and gain insight into effective parenting practices. Beneficiaries were also given transportation stipends to facilitate mobility.

We extend our gratitude to Operation Underground Railroad for funding Project RISE (3). Please note that the opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed herein are those of Pathfinders Justice Initiative and may not necessarily reflect those of Operation Underground Railroad.

To support our work, kindly email info@pathfindersji.org  Together, we can create a safer, more nurturing environment for children to thrive.