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UNODC Project- ‘Reach One Reach Many’ Wellness Exercise (Play and Dance Therapy)

BENIN CITY, EDO STATE. To close out our UNODC supported ‘Reach One, Reach Many’ Project, we organized a wellness exercise for all 40 project beneficiaries. The event was designed to promote physical and mental well-being, while fostering a sense of community and connection among participants.

The wellness exercise featured a range of fun and engaging activities, including dance and play therapy. Beneficiaries participated in stretch and aerobics exercises and play therapy sessions that included games like Sudoku, brain teasers, and other activities that brought back childhood memories and helped survivors reconnect with their bodies in a safe, nurturing environment.

The event was a huge success, with all participants receiving airtime and transportation stipends as a token of appreciation. We’re grateful for the opportunity to support the well-being and empowerment of our beneficiaries.

‘Reach One, Reach Many’ is funded by the UNODC’s Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons, to which we are grateful. The opinions, findings, and conclusions stated herein are Pathfinders Justice Initiative’s and do not necessarily reflect those of the UNVTF.

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