BENIN CITY, EDO STATE- NOVEMBER 17, 2022. In an effort to ensure that our beneficiaries are adequately equipped with psychosocial competencies and interpersonal skills to make decisions, build back healthy, problem solve and think critically and creatively, Pathfinders organized a life skills training in November on decision making, strategic planning and boosting creativity for our second ‘The Freedom Project’ cohort. Following the life skills training portion, the beneficiaries were educated on business plans and encouraged to outline their respective careers or business paths, to nurture their talents and on how to secure future investments. The training will not only serve to boost sustainability for our beneficiaries’ economic success, it also serves to boost their self esteem, confidence and mental well being, as they navigate their paths from survivors to budding business owners.
All beneficiaries were provided with lunch and a transportation stipend following the training.
The Freedom Project is funded by a grant from the United States Department of State, to which we are grateful. The opinions, findings and conclusions stated herein are those of Pathfinders Justice Initiative and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Department of State.