The Redemption Project (‘TRP’), a Pathfinders initiative launched in August 2021 to support 50 women beneficiaries (survivors of sex trafficking and women who are at-risk to becoming trafficked), ensures as part of its action plan, that our beneficiaries are learning life, soft, business or vocational skills which will serve to steady their feet along their journey to healing and sustainable economic independence. To this end, we are grateful to our professional volunteer facilitators who volunteered their expertise in accounting and branding to conduct a business skills training for our beneficiaries on October 29, 2021 in Benin City. The training provided the opportunity for our beneficiaries to learn basic accounting principles such as understanding how to calculate income and expenses, book keeping, daily stock taking, budgeting and saving, etc., as well as business brand development and management, i.e., how to generate sales online/offline and how to maintain an outstanding business. There was also a session that afforded program survivors an opportunity to share their business acumen with other beneficiaries via a one-minute elevator pitch. All beneficiaries received a transportation stipend and lunch.
We are also grateful to Expertise France for its implementation of TRP, a Project which is part of the Action to Support the Fight against Human Trafficking in the Gulf of Guinea (the “ALTP Project”). TRP is implemented within the framework of the ALTP Project, which is funded with the financial participation of the European Union, the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. As the 18-month Project unfolds, we trust that it will serve to transform the narrative as well as the economic landscape for African women who are awakening their muted voices and contributing to their local communities. For more information on TRP, please email
This publication has been produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of Pathfinders Justice Initiative and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.