WASHINGTON, D.C., USA- We are proud to announce that our Founder and Executive Director, R. Evon Idahosa, has been named a 2017 Vital Voices Global Freedom Exchange (GFE) Fellow! Vital Voices Global Partnership grew out of the U.S. Government’s Vital Voices Democracy Initiative, which was established by former U.S. First Lady and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and former U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, in 1997. The Partnership identifies and empowers women leaders around the world in the areas of economic empowerment, women’s political participation and human rights.
The GFE Fellowship is a two-week educational and mentoring program for emerging women leaders who are on the forefront of global efforts to prevent and respond to the scourge of child sex trafficking around the world. This year, the innovative program brings together 22 emerging women leaders from 19 countries (of over 500 that applied), one of which is our very own Founder. GFE Fellows will visit Dallas, Texas, Washington, D.C. and Chicago, Illinois, during which they will visit the U.S. Department of State, various CSOs and NGOs as well as state/county organizations and agencies utilizing innovative methods/models in the fight against child sex slavery. Congratulations, Ms. Idahosa, as you join the network of Vital Voices fellows who are generating change around the world!