Our Pathfinders Adult Literacy Initiative (PALI) is now underway! These free, three month adult education classes are geared towards providing basic education for women and girls, (generally) ages 15 to 35, enabling them to read, write and enunciate correctly. At Pathfinders, we understand that education has a ripple effect on other aspects of a person’s life, in terms of the decisions and choices they make. As such, and in alignment with our mission to generate structural transformation of both the narrative and economic landscape for African women and girls, PALI extends our strategic vision by educating young women while raising awareness and enlightening them on the dangers of sex trafficking and other social ills. More so, once equipped with these basic educational skills, these young women will maintain the capacity to express themselves whenever the need/opportunity arises and ultimately contribute to the growth and development of themselves, their families, their careers and their local communities.
We currently maintain three (3) PALI locations in Edo State, the most endemic hub for sex trafficking in Nigeria: Uzebu Community, Ogba Community and GRA, with thirty-two (32) women and girl students enrolled for the initial session which will run from November 2021 until January 2022. It is our hope that providing these free classes, coupled with raising awareness about the dangers of sex trafficking, will result in addressing one of the root causes we have identified that results in the proliferation of trafficking in Edo: the lack of access to life-sustaining economic opportunity and basic social services.
We are grateful to the US State Department for the support which has allowed us to bring our vision for PALI to life. To learn more or to support our work, please email us at info@pathfindersji.org.
PALI is funded by a grant from the United States Department of State. The opinions, findings and conclusions stated herein are those of Pathfinders Justice Initiative and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Department of State.