Did you know?
- That the average cost globally of a lifetime slave is $90?
- That human trafficking is a $150 billion industry?
- That 40 million people at any given moment are currently enslaved, i.e., more than at any other time in history?
- That human trafficking is often referred to as ‘hidden in plain sight’ because it is happening in every country right in front of our eyes?
- That women and girls are the most trafficked victims for sexual exploitation?
- That the average victim is forced to have sex with over 10 men a day?
- That human trafficking also includes labour exploitation, not just sex trafficking?
- That according to Plan International, 1 in 4 Nigerian girls responding to their recent survey indicated that they had been subject to attempts to force them into sexual exploitation, domestic servitude or forced marriage (all forms of trafficking)?
- Read more about human trafficking in Nigeria by reviewing our Human Trafficking Factsheet.
Learn the common signs/indicators to help recognize human trafficking (bearing that one sign in and of itself may not be indicative of trafficking:
- Does the person appear disconnected from family, friends, community organizations, or houses of worship?
- Has the person stopped attending school 0r stopped engaging in their normal routine?
- Has the person had a sudden or dramatic change in behavior?
- Does the person work unexplained hours? Have no access to their earnings?
- Is the person disoriented or confused, or showing signs of mental or physical abuse?
- Is the person fearful, timid, or submissive? Working against his/her will?
- Does the person show signs of having been denied food, water, sleep, or medical care?
- Is the person often in the company of someone to whom he or she defers? Or someone who seems to be in control of the situation, e.g., where they go or who they talk to?
- Does the person appear to be coached on what to say?
- Does the person live where they work and appear to be under the direct control of others who manage their movement?
- Does the person lack personal possessions and appear not to have a stable living situation?
- Does the person lack freedom of movement? Can the person freely leave where they live?
If you conclude that someone might be trapped in trafficking:
- Do your best to build a relationship of trust with the person. It takes time and patience and may require several efforts (particularly if the person denies it or does not self identify).
- Use a ‘survivor centered’ approach: ensure that the person has some control over the interview process and circumstances (time, place, length of interview, etc.).
- Avoid interrogation methods and refrain from physical contact with the survivor.
- Use a conversational approach as opposed to a rapid series of questions to obtain preliminary information.
- Try to use open-ended questions, as they may elicit more information than ‘yes or no’ questions.
- Do not expect the person to go into details about their trafficking experience during the first interview. They are often afraid of legal consequences.
- Use motivational interviewing to prevent re-trafficking.
If you do identify a potential victim, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CONFRONT THE TRAFFICKER!
- Immediately report the case to NAPTIP, Nigeria’s anti-trafficking agency.
- Use the NAPTIP Application available on Android and Google Play.
- Visit the NAPTIP website: www.naptip.gov.ng.
- Call NAPTIP toll free: 0800-CALL-NAPTIP (08002255627847) or NAPTIP Benin Zonal Command (if in Edo State): +234 708 060 1802
- Email NAPTIP: info@naptip.gov.ng or infobenin@naptip.gov.ng (Edo Zonal Command)
- Visit or write to NAPTIP in your local area:
- Benin: 47 Adesuwa College Road, P.O. Box 267, GRA, Benin City, Edo.
- Contact Pathfinders on our Helpline: +234-817-000 PATH (7284)
There is no fee to report a case and cases can be reported anonymously.
If you see something, say something! Join the movement to end human trafficking today!