Site icon Pathfinders Justice Initiative

Contact Us

Are you silently surviving through sex trafficking or sexual exploitation? You are not alone.  Free, confidential help is available. Obtain additional information by sending us a message now, by emailing, by calling or texting us on our National Helpline (+234 817-000-PATH (7284)), reaching out on social media or by writing or calling one of our regional offices:

1 Faith Way
Benin City, Edo State NIGERIA
Office: +234 817 612-3228

ABUJA (information only):
Plot 604, Durumi District
PMB 235, Garki, Abuja NIGERIA
National Helpline: +234 817 612-3228

3333 Henry Hudson Parkway, Suite 17B
Riverdale, New York 10463
Phone: +1 347 326-8332

To volunteer, please email us at  Follow us on Twitter @PathfindersJI, on Instagram @PathfindersJI or on Facebook at PathFinders Justice Initiative, Inc.

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