My Sister,
If you swore any kind of juju oath before you left Nigeria to Europe and are now trapped in sex trafficking because of it, all such curses (if you believed in their power) have now been revoked by His Majesty, the Oba of Benin. Please come home. Our NGO, Pathfinders, is providing free, holistic rehabilitation for repatriating survivors, including free medical, legal and counseling services as well as vocational skills training, start up business funding and education scholarships. Please call (0817-612-3228) or contact us on social media (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).
If you need help returning home and you are in:
United Kingdom: please visit, or contact IOM via phone on 0300 004 0202 (Monday – Friday between 09.00 and 17.30) or email using
Germany: please visit
Libya: www.libya.iom/int/humanitatian-voluntary-return-hvr-and-reintegration-assistance
Italy: please visit or contact IOM’s Return and Reintegration Assistance Unit on 064416091/222 or visit their website:
Now is the time, this is the place and you can be free! Welcome home!